Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just like that ....

Just like that
someone whispered
a sweet phrase
telling me
life was so simple
Just like that
I agreed to the point
without thinking
and realised
life was
just like that
a thought came to my mind
that why do I find
myself surrounded by thoughts
Weird and wild
like a child
why do I think
just like that…
like a ripple in the water
I spread myself to the extreme
ready to touch the soil
not realizing
I’ll lose myself
just like that
I throng the ray of hope
like the innumerable
tiny creatures
hovering around
the lighted bulb
just like that
sometimes I feel
why solitude is reserved for those
who really do not find
it that necessary
who search for it
just like that
we spend our lives
yearning for something
we usually ignore
when it comes to us
just like that
and then we realise
its gone
just like that
like time vanishing
to eternity
leaving us empty handed
exactly like the way we arrived
just like that
I fear losing someone & something
I never owned
I stood there
in complete individuality
and I dreamt
it was my part
and would never depart
just like that
I lived in the moment
considering the moment was mine
until the shine
faded away
just like that
I think & think
does my life has a purpose ?
or was I born
just like that
I realise,
to fight is wise
than giving up to circumstances
afterall we are the creators
and we cant let them loose
to give us bruise
of defeat
just like that
and now ,
I just………............
Like that.

Life”abyss”October 4th’ 2008

1 comment:

  1. That’s quite a unique way of writing…. its showing ur true felling. By the way I read all ur poems and i must say its a beautiful piece of work done.
